PE28 9 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PE28 9 is a postcode sector in Huntingdonshire, UK. Below is a complete list of PE28 9 Postcodes (Active). PE28 9 postcode sector comprises of 190 active postcodes. PE28 9 sector has a population of 6455, and it has 2711 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PE28 9 postcode sector

PE28 9 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6455
Addresses / Property Count 2711
Active Postcodes 190
Nearby Postcode Districts 38
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of PE28 9 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 190 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PE28 9AA 52.31864800 -0.11265800 9 28 528740 270626
PE28 9AB 52.31878700 -0.11573300 11 20 528530 270636
PE28 9AD 52.32042400 -0.11371900 3 8 528663 270822
PE28 9AE 52.31927600 -0.11656300 6 13 528472 270689
PE28 9AF 52.32126500 -0.12003000 9 17 528230 270904
PE28 9AG 52.32134600 -0.12172800 9 20 528114 270910
PE28 9AH 52.32219100 -0.11850100 30 70 528332 271010
PE28 9AJ 52.32179200 -0.11698500 34 57 528436 270968
PE28 9AL 52.32336300 -0.11853200 5 11 528326 271140
PE28 9AN 52.32452300 -0.12364800 41 106 527974 271260
PE28 9AP 52.32538500 -0.13036200 5 10 527514 271344
PE28 9AQ 52.32074000 -0.12097600 17 36 528167 270844
PE28 9AR 52.32646300 -0.12747000 8 24 527708 271469
PE28 9AS 52.32205100 -0.12935800 1 3 527592 270975
PE28 9AT 52.31544600 -0.12637300 1 2 527814 270246
PE28 9AU 52.32129600 -0.11744600 16 36 528406 270912
PE28 9AW 52.32611000 -0.13184300 39 103 527411 271422
PE28 9AX 52.32462700 -0.12511100 5 9 527874 271269
PE28 9AY 52.32572100 -0.12375900 7 17 527963 271393
PE28 9AZ 52.29830900 -0.06998600 N/A N/A 531709 268441
PE28 9BD 52.29797300 -0.07143800 N/A N/A 531611 268401
PE28 9BE 52.31757000 -0.10715700 6 12 529118 270516
PE28 9BF 52.29689200 -0.06966600 N/A N/A 531735 268284
PE28 9BG 52.31869700 -0.11067500 1 2 528875 270635
PE28 9BH 52.31570700 -0.10867500 21 42 529020 270306
PE28 9BJ 52.31864400 -0.10344400 32 71 529368 270642
PE28 9BL 52.31788000 -0.10181800 8 22 529481 270560
PE28 9BN 52.31893000 -0.10634400 23 44 529169 270669
PE28 9BP 52.31477300 -0.10762900 26 63 529094 270204
PE28 9BQ 52.31835200 -0.10656700 16 33 529156 270604
PE28 9BR 52.29736900 -0.07134600 N/A N/A 531619 268334
PE28 9BS 52.31571200 -0.10508000 17 36 529265 270313
PE28 9BT 52.31453200 -0.10904000 18 48 528999 270175
PE28 9BU 52.31447900 -0.11006200 10 36 528929 270167
PE28 9BW 52.31752500 -0.10603000 9 24 529195 270513
PE28 9BX 52.31715500 -0.10871600 17 39 529013 270467
PE28 9BY 52.31766200 -0.10392600 11 30 529338 270532
PE28 9BZ 52.31721100 -0.11112000 10 17 528849 270469
PE28 9DA 52.31596500 -0.11080600 29 67 528874 270331
PE28 9DB 52.31633700 -0.11155300 21 53 528822 270371
PE28 9DE 52.31936000 -0.10439600 9 15 529301 270720
PE28 9DF 52.31958300 -0.10366800 28 57 529350 270746
PE28 9DG 52.31845300 -0.10122800 2 5 529520 270625
PE28 9DH 52.32299500 -0.09834200 8 25 529703 271135
PE28 9DJ 52.32085100 -0.10092800 6 17 529533 270892
PE28 9DL 52.31849200 -0.10745600 3 5 529095 270618
PE28 9DN 52.32299100 -0.09922200 9 22 529643 271133
PE28 9DP 52.32000200 -0.10181500 13 25 529475 270796
PE28 9DQ 52.32037100 -0.10071400 11 27 529549 270839
PE28 9DR 52.31781900 -0.10022200 22 50 529590 270556
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